Product Features

SmartWiz Release 1.3.8


Jordan Ward


Add Team Members

Key Updates

  • Tax Pro Account Creation: Fixed an error that occurred when a Tax Pro registered a new account.
  • Team Members Management: Introduced permissions for different roles, including Owner, Team Lead, and Team Member.
    • Team Members: Can view and update their personal info, email notification preferences, and change their password.
    • Team Leads: Can manage team members through the Members tab in settings and bulk import clients.
    • Owners: Have complete access to settings and client list management.
  • Bulk Email: Tax Pros can now send bulk emails to clients through the client list.
  • Status Change Notifications: Implemented a notification system for taxpayers, with Phase 1 focusing on status change notifications via email.

UI/UX Enhancements

  • Employee Signup Welcome Page: Added a welcome email for employees signing up to join the tax business.
  • Client List Usability Enhancement: Improved client list functionality, including better filtering and sorting options.
  • Smartsync Button Usability Enhancement: Enhanced the usability of the Smartsync button, including a loading animation and success message.

Bug Fixes

  • W2 State Info: Resolved an issue where state info from uploaded W2 forms was not displaying under the Forms section in OCR.
  • Client DOB: Fixed an issue where client date of birth updates were not reflecting on the Tax Pro side after logout.
  • Identity Vault Dependent's Name Repeated: Fixed an issue where the Identity Vault was showing the same name for different dependents.

Integration and Backend Updates

  • Permissions for Different Roles: Implemented detailed permissions for different roles, ensuring proper access control across the application.
  • Manage Billing and Payment Redirects: Fixed an issue where clicking on the manage billing button opened a blank page in a new tab.

This release brings several new features and improvements, ensuring a smoother experience for Tax Pros and their teams, along with resolving critical bugs for enhanced functionality.