Business of the Month
This Tax Professional Built a Tax Business Through the Power of Continuous Learning
Toni Galang
Team Member
In the fast-paced world of tax preparation, Ellis stands out as someone driven by a passion for continuous learning and client empowerment. Ellis founded JLZ Financial Services, which is rooted in education, integrity, and results. What started as a pursuit to grow in tax knowledge has evolved into a mission to help clients maximize returns, solve financial challenges, and navigate the ever-changing tax landscape with confidence.
Ellis Elzie, JLZ Financial Services LLC
Title: CEO
Location: Atlanta, GA
Year established: 2024
Services: Filing taxes for clients who have small businesses and/or clients who are independent contractors
Connect with Ellis
Instagram: @jlzfinancialservices
Facebook: Ellis Elzie
JLZ Financial Services specializes in maximizing tax returns for clients who have small businesses.
From Continuous Learning to Tax Prep
Q: What key moments or decisions led you to start your business or pursue a career in this field?
Ellis: I pursued this career because I enjoy continuous learning. As I grow in my knowledge in taxes I am able to help maximize my client's return.
Q: Describe any early challenges and how you overcame them.
Ellis: In the first year of my business I had a complex tax return. I overcame this challenge by rereading some publications in order to maximize my client's tax return. Knowledge is only power for those who know how to apply it.
Empowering Clients Through Education
Q: What are the core values or mission that drive your business?
Ellis: We are here to empower our clients by educating them with engaging content.
Q: How do you stay connected with and build trust among your clients?
Ellis: I stay connected and build trust with my clients by treating them the way I want to be treated.
Q: Are there any misconceptions about tax preparation that you frequently encounter?
Ellis: You're not a CPA- I counteract this statement by demonstrating my knowledge of the tax laws. I can do my own taxes- I counteract this statement by informing them that the IRS has instituted more agents for this upcoming tax season. I also inform them of the new tax laws that need to be aware of and the penalties.
Helping Clients Solve Financial Problems One at a Time
Q: Could you share a client success story or impactful project?
Ellis: In the 2023 tax season I had a client who started a business. After preparing her file I informed her of the following deductions she qualified for. She already knew she would owe but after decreasing her tax bill from owing 3000 to 1000 she was thankful.
Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Ellis: I am most proud of educating clients with tax knowledge to help them attain their financial goals.
Keep Learning
Q: Any advice for someone just starting in the tax industry?
Ellis: Read and comprehend as many publications as you can. The more knowledge you have the better equipped you are in helping your clients.
Q: Are there any resources (books, podcasts, or articles) that you find valuable?
Ellis: IRS publications
Looking Ahead
Q: What are your goals for the next year?
Ellis: My goal for next year is for me to acquire more clients that fit my niche. I also plan to acquire bookkeeping skills to further help my current clients.